schirmer on Vimeo

Monday, June 13, 2011

Struck off and De-Registered!!

It is now confirmed that all the companies listed in the post -
have been de-registered by ASIC, the Australian Securities and Investment Commission. You can check out one of those companies here:

Succeed Magazine PTY LTD :

So, 12 companies have now been de-registered, that has got to tell you something about schirmers current position, as well as his business and "wealth creation" skills.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Oh no, not more.......

Well it looks like the number of dying companies that schirmer has is on the rise. A few more for your viewing pleasure:

  • Wealth By Choice Services PTY. LTD

  • Perissos International PTY. LTD

  • Golive Investments PTY. LTD

Dear oh dear oh me, the house of cards is falling.

Caught in New Zealand

Similar Experience?

schirmer on YouTube

Where's Wally??