schirmer on Vimeo

Monday, August 15, 2011

What?!?!?! not more deregistered companies......

The list of companies is getting longer by the day!!!! Here is a few more to add the list and to leave you in no doubt that the schirmer business ability was actually a disability.

  • Wealth by Choice Services Pty Ltd

  • Perissos International Pty Ltd

  • Golive Investments Pty Ltd

Hope the list stops soon as there will not be any internet space left.


Anonymous said...

wow this guys has fallen big time!!!!!!!

Jason said...

The Australian Government have now made directors of companies PERSONALLY LIABLE for unpaid super and the like. Dicey directors should be shaking in their boots and its about time too.

Anonymous said...

Schirmers own quote " It's a pity analysts, economists, fund managers and brokers weren't paid on performance - no government won't let that happen, that would mean many people would be out of a job including a whole bunch of ASIC staff employed to keep the crooks hidden from accountability!"

Bwah ha ha ha.

Schirmer has been exposed as a liar so I guess it stands to reason that he would be very afraid of the ASIC especially since they have already exposed him. As for accountability, it appears he is pretty clueless what the word really means.

Schirmer is the one out of a job because it seems nobody trusts him any more. Can you blame them?

James P said...

It is now fact that David Schirmer will never know what its like to have the publics TRUST because TRUST is the foundation of any business. If he has proved to have taken money from people, promised to invest it and never returned it then he has completely lost everyones TRUST. This appears to be the case therefore unless and until he returns every cent he will never know what its like to have the publics TRUST.

Ironically he is doing the most predictable thing that people do when they have done wrong towards others, he is claiming that people should have FAITH.

Lets see if this guy eventually comes good but so far he appears to have failed miserably.

Petra said...

This is so funny because that guy got up in his seminars and boasted about how many companies he had. Little did we know that it was all fake. Its also good to see that the authorities are finally onto him but not before he caused so much grief to a lot of people. Shame on him and his wife. They are obviously very greedy people who used peoples trust to get stuff for themselves.

TBM said...

Schirmers company Schirmer Financial Management Pty Ltd is being struck off by ASIC. Sign of the times or liars luck? Either way his advice to go head over heels into debt to chase your wildest dreams is far far from good advice and anyone who took it will be suffering really badly financially now and may even lose everything.

This guy has no credentials worthy of taking advice from. He was so full of bullshit he was doomed from the start.

Petra said...

Does anyone know where these people have moved to? I would like to make contact with someone who used tow ork for them re something personal. They keep moving all the time which makes it very difficult to visit. I know they were in Newmans Road, Templestowe until recently but called there and they were gone.

Caught in New Zealand

Similar Experience?

schirmer on YouTube

Where's Wally??